20 & 21 Months Old

posted on Saturday, November 26, 2016 by Kyra

Nursing: The past two months have absolutely flown by! Cash has changed so much it’s just crazy! We finally night weaned (I’m going to write a separate post just on this) so Cash is only nursing to bed and then nursing like crazy from 5 AM until we get up. We are still trying to find a balance with our new nursing relationship so he is nursing double time during the day. I’m hoping that we find a happy medium soon.

Cloth Diapering: We officially packed up all the diapers on September 15th! Cash has been ready to make the transition from diapers to trainers for over a month. Nick and I thought it was way too early because most of our friends told us that boys take longer but Cash was definitely ready. I’m going to write a separate post on this as well!

Sleep: Since we night weaned we all have been sleeping so much better! Cash and I go to bed around 8:30 – 9:00 PM. He nurses to sleep and then doesn’t nurse again until 5:00 – 6:00 AM. He wakes up a couple times throughout the night but usually goes back to sleep quickly unless he has to pee.

Likes/Dislikes: Cash still likes many of the same things; reading books, playing in his sandbox and play area, riding the lawn mower with daddy, etc. But he has several new interests as well. My mom started buying him vintage matchbox cars at the auction and he LOVES them! He now has a set at nana’s house and a set at our house and he plays with them every single day. I also picked up a set of construction equipment models that he plays with constantly. He is obsessed with construction equipment! Cash also enjoys his bike, walking the dogs, playing hide and seek in our clothes and helping mama and nana cook. He is actually getting really good at peeling the ginger for our kombucha and he loves to add everything that I measure out to the bowl or blender. I love having a little helper in the kitchen and am looking forward to lots of baking this winter!

Cash does not like brushing his teeth. It’s a two-person job and a struggle twice a day! We have tried making a game out of it, letting Cash brush our teeth, letting him brush his stuffed animals teeth or the dog’s teeth, but nothing seems to work. He cries and screams almost every time.

Activities: These past two months have been so busy! Our summer has been filled with play dates, visits from out of town family, weekly date nights with nana, a boat ride, a trip to Silverwood and a trip to Seattle. We do everything as a family and absolutely love it. Nick and I often wonder what we did to pass the time before we had Cash. He is such a joy and we are having the best time watching him grow up. It is so enlightening to see the world through the eyes of a child as they experience things for the first time.



Health: Cash has been healthy besides having a couple cavities on his front teeth that we need to have filled. We met with five different dentists (3 biological and 2 pediatric) so I felt confident that filling them was the right choice. The last first pediatric dentist we met with said he thought the cavities were from night nursing. I did not agree, obviously. I left feeling like I had done something wrong and was pretty upset. After meeting with the second pediatric dentist at Children’s Choice Dentistry I felt so much relief it was crazy. Not only did he reject the idea that the cavities were caused from night nursing, he thought the teeth were formed that way since the stains/cavities were at the top. He also said we would watch them and try to buy some time, so we have appointments every 3 months.

Best Moment: There have been way too many great moments to pick just one, but our trip to Seattle was amazing. We got to see Cash’s eye’s light up with all the new experiences and that is such a beautiful thing!

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