6 Months Old

posted on Sunday, July 12, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: Cash has been exclusively breastfed for 6 whole months now! It’s hard to believe he has been with us for half of a year already! Cash has been pushing the boundaries with nursing this week. He will then lightly bite down on my nipple look up at me as if to sat “Is this ok mama?” Ummmm answer is most definitely NO! Cash has also started to sit up in my lap and nurse. This is just about the most precious thing ever – it makes up for his “bad manners” at the breast this week!!!

Cloth Diapering: Cash consistently poops once a day. Thankfully we haven’t experienced any more nighttime poops. His poop is definitely thicker more often than not. I have slowly been building Cash’s basewoolie stash for the fall and with the 2 recent stockings I was able to score some super cute pairs!

Sleep: I have been working on transitioning Cash to a solo nap time this week. I have tried nursing him to sleep and then laying him down in his crib, but his eyes pop open the second I lay him down. I have also tried laying down in the bed with him to nurse and then slipping out after he is asleep. This works a little better but he only stays asleep for 20 minutes max. He is a great sleeper at night as long as he’s in my arms or on my chest. I don’t sleep too great, but I do sleep better than I did in the beginning so I can’t complain too much.

Likes/Dislikes:  We started reading books and Cash just loves to look at the pictures while we read to him! His two favorite books every night without fail are The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? He also tries to put every book in his mouth, but that’s no surprise since everything goes in his mouth. Nick also spreads the books our on the wool rug in his room and Cash lays on his tummy and reaches out to play with the books.

Cash just loves the dogs too! He gets so excited when they jump up next to him or lay next to him during tummy time. It so cute to see him get so excited! Unfortunately, he isn’t very gentle with them so we have to really watch his grabby little fingers. We show him how to pet the dogs and then take his hand and help him pet them, but he always tries to grab their fur.

Activities: We celebrated my mom and Tony’s birthdays this week by going to dinner at Angelo’s on Saturday. Cash was happy to be passed around the table and then he fell asleep in the wrap right before our food arrived.

We also ate lunch at Red Lobster and Cash LOVED playing with the bread plate! Nick and I were so entertain by it that we didn’t realize how noisy he was, but luckily the restaurant wasn’t too crowded.

Health: We had our 6-month checkup with Dr. Morical and Cash is healthy and hitting all of his cognitive and emotional checkpoints. He weighed 13 pounds 6 ounces, measured 25 ½ inches and his head circumference was 16 ¼ inches. Her baby scale wasn’t working so his weight was based upon my weight holding him minus my weight not holding him so I’m not sure that it’s super accurate. When I weigh him at Mother’s Haven he weighs more but who knows about the accuracy of each scale.

Cash man is a rolling machine! This boy flips more than a pancake! We lay him down on his back and he immediately flips onto him tummy and pushes himself up with his arms. He also rolls from his tummy to his back. He isn’t crawling yet but we think he’s getting close. He rotates in a complete 360 on both his tummy and back and he scrunches his knees up every once in a while.

Cash’s eyes are still the grey/blue with the hazel center but they are very very pretty! His hair is also finally starting to grow!

Best Moment: Nick played his guitar for Cash this week and Cash was so mesmerized by it! He loved hearing his daddy play the guitar and sing to him! After Nick played several songs I sat next to him and Cash got to strum and “pet” daddy’s guitar. He absolutely loved this! I think he played the guitar with daddy for about 30 minutes. I really hope that Cash grows to love the guitar just as much as his daddy does.

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