2 Months Old

posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: I’m happy to report that my mastitis is gone and Cash and I are getting into a grove with our nursing. He still nurses every 2-3 hours but some of our nursing sessions are shorter than others. We did have one very funny nursing moment this week. Cash was busy nursing away when all of a sudden he popped off and my milk shot up his nose and on his face! It really startled him and he didn’t quite know what to make of it.

Cloth Diapering: Now that Cash’s diapers are back to normal things are great. Cash still likes to have his diaper changed every 2 hours. We have noticed that Cash is pooping less frequently. He seems to have around 4-5 big poops every day and a few small poopy diapers that Nick and I have started calling skid mark poops. We can always tell when Cash is working on a big poop because he grunts like crazy, really focuses on pushing and then we hear him FILL his diaper. It is truly amazing how much poop can come out of such a little person!

Sleep: Some nights Cash sleeps pretty well, going one 3-4 hour stretch, and other nights he is up every 2 hours. We had one particularly rough night where he woke up every hour and 45 minutes like clockwork. He has also started to fight going to sleep. I know he is super tired but he just wants to stay awake and take everything in. Cash will start to fall asleep and then he will jerk himself awake and fuss. One night he repeated this pattern for 3 hours. Nick was such a good daddy and just rocked his son, held him close and walked around with him until he fell asleep. Even though we complain about our lack of sleep, we feel so blessed to have such a healthy, beautiful baby boy. If lack of sleep is the worst thing we experience we will count ourselves lucky.

Likes/Dislikes: Cash still loves any kind of light. It is so fun to walk around the house with him and watch him take in all the different lights. He also likes it when Nick wipes his mouth with a burp rag. Nick has turned it into a little game; he pats each side of Cash’s mouth and laughs until Cash smiles at him. It just melts my heart to see how loving Nick is with his son. Everyday Cash is smiling more and more; he makes little giggling noises but we haven’t heard a true laugh quite yet.

Activities: We took Cash on another 2 mile walk this week. He slept through the walk until we were a few houses down from home. When he woke up he started crying and we had to carry him the rest of the way. What can I say, out little man likes to be held ALL the time!

Nick and I also took Cash to his very first trustee sale at the Kootenai county courthouse. He slept in his ring sling and woke up during the bidding to grunt and make a huge poop. Everyone else who was bidding heard his poop and just laughed! Overall it was a great first experience for him. We hope to teach Cash our business some day!

Cash is getting better about his diaper changes but he still doesn’t like his car seat. We had one particularly tough trip home from Coeur d’Alene this week where Cash just wouldn’t stop crying. I was so stressed out by the time we pulled into the garage that I burst into tears when I pulled him out of the car seat and saw the big alligator tears running down his face. He was fine the second I took him out but I was so upset that I had to give him to Nick until I stopped crying. I don’t know who was more upset, Cash, or me but there were lots of big tears all around. Even though he hates his car seat I always manage to snap some really cute pics of him in it!

Health: Cash is a happy healthy boy! He has started to grip things really tightly; usually his favorite thing to grab is my hair.

Best Moment: Cash is becoming more expressive by the day and Nick and I are really enjoying all his cute little facial expressions. I would say the best moments this week have been snugging up together as a family and watching Cash interact with us. He love to stick his tongue out and he also make the most adorable “O face”. We just can’t seem to get enough of our precious little man!

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