6 Weeks Old

posted on Friday, January 23, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: Cash is a nursing fiend! Recently he has started to “play” with my nipple when he is done nursing. He will lick it, rub his lips against it, rub his cheek against it, rub his nose against it and then end up with it against his eye! It really is quite hilarious! I am also nursing in public quite often when we are out and about. Nursing in public just felt natural from day one and I haven’t had anyone look at me funny or say anything negative so I am super happy about that!

Cloth Diapering: After researching different diaper rash recipes I decided to combine several ingredients from many different recipes to make my very own blend. My mom drove into Pilgrim’s Market and bought me the ingredients that I didn’t have and then we made the diaper rash cream together. It was so easy and I was really please with the end result.

We have been trying to get rid of Cash’s diaper rash for weeks but it just wouldn’t quite go away completely! I finished making the cream in the afternoon and we started using it right away and by mid afternoon the following day his diaper rash was gone! Nick and I were both in shock!

Sleep: Sleep is still tough for us but is definitely improving! On Monday and Tuesday night Cash slept for one stretch of three hours at night and then every two hours until morning. Then on Wednesday night he slept for four hours straight! Nick and I were so happy to finally get some rest and we know it will only get better from here on out!

We have also moved Cash to the middle of the bed and now Nick and I are both sleeping better in between diaper changes and nursing. Cash still sleeps on his Holy Lamb Organics cotton and wool changing pad we simply just moved it to the middle of us. Cash usually likes to sleep on my chest in the early hours of the morning. Sometimes he will be a bit fussy when I try to lay him down on the changing pad, but the second I lay him on my chest he falls asleep. Nick and I feel like we are finally getting into a bit of a routine with our co-sleeping.

Likes/Dislikes: We have discovered several new things that Cash like this week. He really enjoys bath time and has not cried for one bath yet! My friend Shannon bought us a 4Moms Infant tub that is so awesome! It has a built in temperature gauge and you keep the faucet on during the bath so it constantly adds clean warm water to the tub. We also put him in the big tub with me when I was finished taking my own bath and he really liked that. The chandelier that is hanging above our tub in our master bath mesmerized him. That brings me to the next thing that Cash likes – lights! He loves to stare at different lights around our house! He especially likes the sconces that are on the wall behind our bed.

Cash also likes to “dance” with daddy and nana! My mom will hum a waltz tune and gently dance around with him and Nick holds Cash and dances around to more modern tunes. He seems to just like dancing in general!

As far as dislikes, Cash still doesn’t care for diaper changes and his car seat. I think the car seat thing is getting a little better. When he fusses I stick my pinkie knuckle in his mouth to suck on and that seems to soothe him. He has also just started to suck on his fingers and fist. I’m hoping that he will find his thumb soon so he can start self-soothing a bit.

Activities: My esthetician and good friend, Trisha, came over with her daughter and son to see Cash on Monday. Her little guy, Walker, is absolutely adorable! It is crazy to see how much Walker has grown; it seems like just yesterday she was pregnant! It’s so nice to be around other mommies and hear about their experiences with breastfeeding and raising a child. Trisha loved on Cash as much as Walker would allow and she even bought Cash some board books and an adorable plush book with some crinkle pages. We can’t wait to start reading to Cash!

Health: Cash is a growing boy! He now weighs 8 pounds and 15 ounces – that’s a 7-ounce weight gain in one week! All our nursing is really paying off! We have officially outgrown our newborn sleepers and are now wearing 0-3 month sleepers. Clothes sizing varies so much from brand to brand; he can still wear the Burt’s Bees newborn clothes but the Burt’s Bees 0-3 month clothes are way too big!

Cash is also way more alert than he has ever been and has amazing head control! He is constantly holding his head up when we have him against our shoulder and likes to look around. We try to interact with him as much as possible and it is really paying off! He is smiling more and more and has started to click his tongue! It is so adorable! Seeing him growing and becoming stronger and more alert day by the day is truly amazing!

Best Moment: We have seen lots of smiles and heard lots of giggles in Cash’s sleep but it wasn’t until this week that he smiled and laughed while awake! My mom was holding Cash and out little doggie Addy made a funny whining noise and Cash giggled. Then my mom giggled and smiled and he smiled right back at her and giggled some more! It was so darling! Cash had since smiled for my mom some more and had smiled for his daddy also. No smiled for mama yet, but I keep hoping he will smile at me soon!

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