19 Months Old

posted on Monday, July 18, 2016 by Kyra

Nursing/Eating: Cash tends to nurse quite a bit in the morning if we are home. When he wakes up we have our snuggle/nursing time before we hit the ground running. Mornings are my favorite part of the day because those first few waking moments are just ours – our time to bond, our time to snuggle, and our time to smile and laugh. I know that one day those moments will change so I’m focusing on soaking them up while I can.

Cash nurses throughout the day still, but not as frequently as he used to. Some days all he wants to do is nurse while other days he is content to eat more food and just nurse every few hours. I just let him tell me when he wants milk.


I finally discovered a food that Cash doesn’t care for – jalapeños! We were eating BBQ’d jalapeño chicken poppers one night and I offered him some of the bacon and chicken but he decided he wanted to eat my popper with the jalapeño, even though I told him he wouldn’t like it.  He took a bite and spit it out quickly! Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way I guess.

Cash ate his first “cupcake” on Father’s Day. Together we made the Paleo Parent’s Chunky Monkey muffins for daddy and the grandpas. They are super good and I can actually eat them despite all of my dietary restrictions so that’s a huge bonus! I wasn’t sure what Cash would think of them but he ended up eating almost an entire muffin (minus the toppings of nuts and chocolate chips).

Sleep: I have been pretty good about getting Cash down for a nap between 12:30 and 1:30 on the days that we’re home. We lay on the bed together and I tell him that it’s nap time. Then he repeats, “nap im” (nap time) and we nurse and fall asleep. Some days I take a nap with him and he will sleep for almost 3 hours and other days I’m able to slip out of the bed and get a few things done around the house. He sleep anywhere from 1-½ hours to 3 hours.

At night we go to bed around 8 or 8:30 most nights and Cash usually nurses and falls asleep within 10-15 minutes. Some nights when he’s overtired it can take almost an hour to get him to sleep. Every once in a while he tries to climb out of bed to go into the living room so Nick will come lay in bed with us and tell him that it’s time for bed. This usually results in a tantrum, lots of tears. When he’s finished we put him back on the bed and try again, usually he is so tired from his tantrum he falls right a sleep and Nick and I watch Justified while Cash sleeps in between us. He is so peaceful in those first few hours of sleep! We love to watch him sleep and reminisce about the days when he was so tiny and brand new.

While I would say sleep is slightly “better” I still wouldn’t classify it as being all that great. When Cash cries out in the night I try to rub his back first and sometimes he will go back to sleep but usually it takes a little quick comfort nurse for him to fall asleep again.

Likes/Dislikes: Cash absolutely loves to help his mama and his nana cook! My mom started it all by scooting a chair up to the counter and letting Cash help us cook. Now he always wants to help! He will even run to the table and scoot a chair over to the counter all by himself. When my mom watched Cash on Saturday nights (so Nick and I can enjoy a date night) they make dog biscuits together.  She has taught him how to roll the dough, mix the ingredients and cut out the shapes. When he cooks with me I let him measure and dump the ingredients together, mix, pulse the food processor and of course sample straight from the bowl!

Recently my dad brought Cash a big metal Tonka truck from one of our foreclosure houses and it was an instant hit! He pushes his dump truck everywhere inside and outside. Then a couple of weeks ago my mom found 3 more metal Tonka trucks and bought them for Cash. Now he has a fleet of dump trucks to play with.

Cash still loves to read books. His new favorite is a John Deer Tractor book with little flaps that open and close. My mom found it at the same yard sale for 25 cents! We now read that book over and over again.

Since the weather has been really nice we spend most of our day outside. Cash loves the outdoors and could seriously spend all day everyday outdoors. He loves to dig in his sand box and play in his garden beds at nana's house. His favorite outdoor activity is still riding on the lawnmower with daddy.

Cash has such a great disposition and as long as he gets plenty of stimulation he is super happy. He does get pretty mad when it’s time to come inside and he absolutely DOES NOT like brushing his teeth. Other than the temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, he’s a pretty content little boy.

Health: Other than teething pains Cash is super healthy. We are so fortunate that he hasn’t been sick. He does have some flesh colored bumps on his check, neck and back that we are monitoring. At first I was worried that they were a food allergy, but our naturopath thinks that he is lacking in essential fatty acids. We started him on some Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil and they are already going away and Cash LOVES the fish oil! After I give him the 3 droppers full he looks at me and says “more, more, more”.

I think we found a new naturopath too; we have our first appointment with Dr. Jeremiah Stevens at Stevens Naturopathic Center this week.  It will be so hard to replace Dr. Morical, but hopefully everything goes well.

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