The Morelli Family Thanksgiving 2015

posted on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 by Kyra

This post should be titled "The Griswold Morelli Family Thanksgiving 2015"

We had quite an eventful Thanksgiving this year – one that will not be easily forgotten!

My mom and I prepped for our big Thanksgiving dinner the day before and it was the most relaxing and peaceful day! Truly a zen prep day. We listened to Christmas music (yes a day early but I couldn’t help myself), cooked, baked and enjoyed our time together. Cash was such a happy boy all day and my mom was even able to get him to sleep and transfer him onto our changing pad on the ground in his room. He slept for over 2 hours while we prepped!

Thanksgiving day arrived and Nick, Cash and I had the most relaxing morning! I love getting the prep work don ahead of time because it makes Thanksgiving Day so much more enjoyable and stress-free.

My mom came over around 9 and we continued on with our peaceful morning. 

Now for a little back-story…Spokane and Northern Idaho had just experienced one of the biggest windstorms on record and over 130,000 people were without power, including my grandpa. Now my grandpa is really stubborn, not very pleasant and not a very nice man. With that being said we still invited him to Thanksgiving. We found out that he was still without power, water and heat. He has a gas fireplace he could have used but he’s too cheap and decided to burn wood in the gas fireplace! Yes, I said WOOD….in a GAS fireplace. There is no explaining things to my grandpa because he simply won’t listen and always thinks that he is right.

Anyways, my mom’s husband went into town and picked him up.  They of course arrived right when my mom and I needed to start making the last minute dishes. My grandpa had not showered in over a week and he reeked of smoke and was filthy! It made our whole house smell like we were sitting in the middle of a campfire! Things got so crazy and I ended up arguing with my grandpa about taking a shower! He insisted that he told us he was “coming just like he was” and I told him I didn’t care and that he was getting in the shower and putting new clothes on. After, arguing and basically pulling him off the couch and escorting him into the bathroom he took a shower! His clothes all smelled horrid so my dad went to Walmart and bought him new clothes to wear. 

Even after a shower and with clean clothes on he still smelled like smoke a little, but it was WAY better. It truly was a sad sight to see hi in such poor shape. My mom has tried and tried to get him some help and has encouraged him to go into assisted living but since she is only his stepdaughter she has been unsuccessful. Like I said, my grandpa is crazy stubborn. Enough with the depressing stuff though!

We did finally get the meal served and everything tasted wonderful! I love having my house filled with my loved ones and it was so fun experiencing Cash’s first Thanksgiving with him! He ate his first meat – Turkey of course- and LOVED it!!

Holidays are so much more special with a child and I can hardly wait for Christmas!

Did I mention that we also had 7 dogs in our house too? They all get along so well so it doesn't feel like a pack of dogs in running through our house!!

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