14 Week Baby #2

posted on Sunday, December 4, 2016 by Kyra

How Far Along? 14 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: Still at 111 so only one pound, even though I ate my fill of Thanksgiving leftovers.

Have You Started to Show? Yes! My little bump was especially prominent in my tight fitting maternity dress at our Christmas party! I’ll leave this category here until a strange notices my little bump. In my mind it’s always official then.

Symptoms: This week I’ve felt pretty good, just tired. I do get little twinges in my lower abdomen if I move certain ways. I think my body it just gearing up to accommodate my new babe.

Movement? None yet. I almost thought I felt a little flutter but I haven’t felt anything since so I think it was just wishful thinking.

Sleep? I fall asleep as soon as Cash is done nursing and I can pop him off my boob and sleep until 1 AM sometimes 3 AM when I have to get up to pee. We had a few rough nights with Cash waking at midnight one night and 4 AM another night, but Nick took him in the kitchen for some food and let me sleep thankfully. I so appreciate having a wonderful husband who is so involved in his son’s life.

Exercise? None this week. I’m trying to get back to prenatal yoga but it’s at a really odd time, 5:30 right in the middle of dinnertime so it hasn’t been easy.

Food Cravings: I haven’t had any crazy cravings yet, but I am still enjoying cucumbers and tomatoes with Bragg’s ACV dressing. I also pickup up some 100% grass fed yogurt this week and have been eating that with Paleo nut and seed butter, blueberries and oranges.

Food Aversions: None, thankfully! I just can’t stand the smell of fast food or anything fried.

Happy or Moody? Happy. We’ve had Christmas music playing almost non-stop since the day after Thanksgiving so it’s hard not to be in a great mood.

Miss Anything? Coffee. I really want a pumpkin spice latté, but no coffee (decaf or otherwise) goes into this body while I’m pregnant.

Best Moment This Week: We ordered some Sloomb XS OBF diapers for the baby and they arrived this week. Those tiny diapers are adorable! I ordered some other things for the baby and am anxiously awaiting their arrival!

Looking Forward to: Cash’s 2nd birthday party next Saturday. I can’t believe my CashMan is going to me T-W-O!

Cash’s Contemplations: We talk about the baby frequently with Cash and he is already so sweet about the baby. He loves to crawl onto my lap, lift my shirt and pat my belly and kiss the baby. He also rests his head on my belly and repeats “baby, baby”. When the diapers came this week he wanted to try them on (“on, on, try, try”), but I told him they were too small and that they were for the new baby. I then asked him if he would help me change his brother or sister’s diaper net summer and he thought that was super funny. This prompted a conversation about the baby. I told him that the baby would cry sometimes because she (wishful thinking) needs milk or needs her diaper changes. I also told him that babies just cry sometimes. He looked at me with the sweetest face and I asked him what he would do for the baby when she was crying…to this he responded “meat, meatball!” I laughed so hard and said, “you’re going to give the baby a meatball?” He said “yes” and laughed. Cash loves meat so I think it’s so sweet that he would associate something he loves with helping the baby already. I think he is going to be the best big brother.

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