27 Weeks Baby #2

posted on Saturday, March 4, 2017 by Kyra

How Far Along? 27 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: I was 124 at 26 weeks but this week I weighed in at 122 so 12 pounds gained.

Symptoms: Over the past two weeks I’ve had some nausea and haven’t felt wonderful. I’ve also felt some Braxton Hicks tightening in the evening.

Movement? Our little Cruz is super active just like his big brother. He kicks and punches like crazy. His little foot likes to wedge itself into the lower right rib JUST LIKE CASH! It brings back all the memories of my pregnancy with Cash. I also feel him twitch all the time like something has startled him.

Sleep? Some nights I sleep great and others I’m awake from around 3 AM until 5 AM. Cruz is super active at night so that may be part of  my sleeplessness.

Exercise? Cash and I went to a play date at the Kroc Center a week ago last Tuesday with some local mamas so I got plenty of exercise chasing him around and climbing the play structures. Unfortunately, 5 of the kids started throwing up and having diarrhea all within hours of one another the following Friday so Nick and I had a very sick little boy on our hands (hence the reason for missing the 26 week bump picture and post).

Food Cravings: Avocados, bacon and tomatoes on paleo bread and Culture Mama Probiotic Dip (soaked cashews, fermented garlic, sauerkraut, kalamata olives) – it’s like humus without the beans and it’s delicious with cucumber slices.

Food Aversions: It’s not food but I CANNOT STAND the smell of people’s fabric softener, perfumes/colognes or anything like that.

Happy or Moody? Up and down this week. It was so sad to see Cash sick and hear him cry so much. As a mama you just want to take away your babes pain, but that’s not always possible. Nick and I did get almost 24/7 cuddle bug time for almost a week straight so that has been nice. I have also been in full nesting mode so those are some super happy moments. I keep thinking about Cruz and wonder what he will look like and what type of personality he will have. I’m actually getting really excited for him to be here. I can’t believe that I’m already in my 3rd trimester! This pregnancy has FLOWN by!

Miss Anything? My sweet CashMan being healthy.

Best Moment This Week: Putting up the new letters in the boy’s room, unpacking all the tiny clothes and putting away all the prepped and ready XS OBF diapers!


Looking Forward to: Getting everything ready for Cruz’s arrival. We have pretty much everything we need so I’m focusing on organizing the boy’s room, unpacking and washing everything and getting my home birth kit ready. I will be prepared this time!

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