We had our 20-week ultrasound at CDA Ultrasound last Tuesday
and found out that we are having a little BOY! We are so excited to have two
boys so close in age! It will be so much fun to watch our boys grow up together.
I’m so glad that our midwife told us about CDA Ultrasound,
it is the nicest place! Adorable homey décor, huge viewing screen, wrap around
couches so our whole family could join and WARM gel for my tummy. Our little man was sitting Indian style for
part of the ultrasound, which was so cute! Everything looked great and we got
to heart the heartbeat again, which is Cash’s favorite part. Cash even said hi
and bye to his little brother!
Nick has already started looking for three-seater ATVs so he
can have both of his boys on the four wheelers with him while he plows. Needless
to say we are overjoyed to be having another boy and we can’t wait to meet him!
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