17 & 18 Months Old

posted on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 by Kyra

 Nursing/Eating: Every time I give Cash something new I think to myself “hmm, maybe he won’t like this…” but I’m wrong. He literally likes everything I give him! The new food that we have introduced over the past two months (eek it still gets me that I haven’t blogged in TWO months) are brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, red and yellow peppers, a couple bites of my lara bars (cashews and dates) and sauerkraut. He LOVES all of these things. He goes particularly crazy for the brussel sprouts. I can’t cook them fast enough for him.

Cash is still nursing throughout the day and every two hours at night. If we are hanging out at home he nurses more frequently than if we are out running errands. He also signs “milk” any time he wants to nurse!

Sleep: Like I mentioned above, Cash is still nursing every two hours at night. I wish he would sleep longer, but that’s just not the case. Just recently Cash has been taking solo naps! This is very exciting and a HUGE improvement! I’ve been trying to be better about his bedtime and naptime because I know how important consistency is to a child. Between 12:00 and 1:00 Cash and I lay down in bed and he nurses to sleep. After he’s sleeping well I slowly sneak out of bed and close the door. He usually sleeps at least an hour but sometime he sleeps solo for TWO whole hours! If he wakes up sometimes I’ll nurse him back to sleep and slip out again, but that doesn’t always work. At night we have been going to bed between 8:00 and 8:30. Cash nurses to sleep and usually falls asleep pretty quickly. I’d like to say that I then slip out and clean my house, but who am I kidding?! I usually fall asleep with him!

Likes/Dislikes: Cash’s absolute favorite thing is the riding lawnmower. Nick holds Cash on his lap while he mows the lawn. The only problem is that Cash wants to mow everyday, several times a day. Nick ends up taking Cash for rides on the mower several times a week. 

Cash also loves his baby sign language! His favorite thing to sign is motorcycle! Whenever he hears a motorcycle or sees one in his books he signs it and smiles. He also signs milk, rain, wind, please and thank you!

Cash is so much better in the car seat! He still has his moment but for the most part he is happy as long as he has books to read and trucks to play with. 

The main thing that Cash doesn’t like is when he doesn’t get his way. He has several tantrums and melt downs daily. Nick and I are still trying to figure out the best way to handle these tantrums. So far we try to make sure he gets a good nap and are focusing on redirecting. We’re not having the best luck but I know that we’ll figure it out eventually. 

Health: Other than some skinned knees and a few little cuts Cash has been healthy! He did experience his first dog nip by Lucy (his Auntie Shanna’s dog), but it scared him more than anything, thank God. Like the tumble down the stairs it just reminded Nick and I to be super vigilant because accidents can happen at any second. 

Cash has 12 teeth and is working on a couple of his canines. I feel like we are in a constant state of teething. I think the canines are the most painful thus far.

At Cash's 18 month appointment he weighed 21 pounds and measured 31 inches. He's still on the small side but he healthy and that's the important thing. Sadly our naturopath is moving her practice to Seattle so now we need to find a new ND.

Everyday Cash talks more and more. Nick and I are always amazed at his vocabulary and his ability to comprehend what we are saying. Here is a quick list of his most commonly used words:
  • Mey mey (mangos)
  • Mee mee (milk)
  • Boo boo (he uses this for boobies/milk, Harrison blueberries and Kombucha)
  • Dirt
  • lawnmower
  • Hot
  • Brr
  • Nana
  • Mama
  • Daddy
  • Apa (Papa and Opa)
  • Big wig (big rig)
  • Meat
  • Water (wa wa)
  • Pewey (Perry)
  • Zoey (zo zo)
  • Dewey (doo doo)
  • Addy
  • Earwing (earring)
  • Eyes
  • Ear
  • Ama (apple)
  • Nana (banana)
  • Ba (bath)
  • Bye bye
  • Wow
  • Peas (please)
  • Tan tou 9 (thank you)
  • I-pa (ipad- ironic since he only gets to use it to facetime with nana)
  • Pee
  • Boop (poop – this is my favorite)
  • Dode doo (toad stool)
  • Ite dare (right there)
  • Dove dull (shovel)
  • oh wow
  • dump (dump truck)
  • bee
  • bug
  • by by (bike)

It sounds so cliché, but Cash is truly a little sponge. He imitates us and wants to do whatever we are doing. I’m loving this part of the toddler phase so much!

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