On the Pontoon Boat

posted on Saturday, August 15, 2015 by Kyra

Nick’s sister and her boyfriend John are in town for a few days and we all rented a pontoon boat for the day on Lake Coeur d’Alene. This was Cash’s first trip on a boat and he did so great! In general, Cash is a great baby but he was so awesome on the boat! He didn’t care for his infant life jacket but I can’t blame him, it’s like a straight jacket!

We boated down the river and at first I felt like I needed to be a responsible parent and leave his straight jacket, I mean life jacket, on the whole time, but I could tell that he was not enjoying himself like I knew he would sans life jacket.

He was a trooper as long as I stood in the middle of the boat and he could feel the wind on his face but he couldn’t crawl with it on and Cash loves his new found crawling! We decided he was safe without it on since there were 6 of us watching him so we took the life jacket off and he was so HAPPY!!

When we stopped to swim Nick got in and we put Cash’s life jacket on to see if he would like the water, but he cried right away. I don’t think it was the water as much as the life jacket being so confining.

Back on the boat he played inside the tube and was happy again. Cash even slept in my arms as we made our way back down the river to the lake again.

Cash really enjoyed all the attention from his auntie Shanna and the new surroundings. He especially liked helping daddy drive the boat!

We boated over to Shooter’s to eat a late lunch. At first Cash was pretty good but he started to get a little fussy. When our food came Nick took one bite of his cheeseburger and then Cash seized the rare opportunity to grab food off the table and pulled Nick’s burger right off! We had ketchup, toppings, bun and burger everywhere! After that it was into the wrap so he could calm down and take a much-needed nap.

Cash slept the whole way back to the launch and was even good in the car seat on the way to get some ice cream. He is such a good baby.

Overall it was a great day and we had perfect weather!! I think Cash will enjoy some boating trips next summer even more!

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