Nursing: Nursing
is going great! Cash is smiling and looking up at me while he nurses and it just
melts my heart! When I was pregnant I was really looking forward to nursing but
I had no idea how much I would love it! I can’t even put words to the feeling
of love that I experience when we share our special time together. It is truly so amazing.
Cloth Diapering: We
just ordered 11 more size 2 HLC (happy little cloud) diapers from Sloomb and
can’t wait for them to arrive! The size 2 HLCs are a little big (the sizing
starts at 15 pounds) but we know that Cash will grow into them really soon.
Sleep: Cash loves
his sleep and his mama does too! We go to bed between 8 PM and 9 PM most nights
and sleep until 7AM. It is awesome! I don’t miss the early days of no sleep one
bit! Nick and I are really happy that we chose to co-sleep. There are just so
many special times that we get to experience with Cash in our “family bed”.
Hopefully he will sleep in his crib before it’s time to turn it into a toddler
bed, but for now we are super happy with our sleeping arrangement.
Likes/Dislikes: Cash
loves lights, music and singing. Cash especially loves singing with daddy! I
was in the kitchen taking vitamins when I heard Nick signing a Christian song
on his Pandora radio and Cash was “singing” right along with him. It was so precious,
I just had to sneak up on them and capture the moment on the video camera. Nick and Cash have a really special bond. He just adores his silly daddy and saves all of his biggest grins for Nick!
Cash still doesn’t like the car seat but I did finally
ordered two car seat mirrors to see if that helps. My friend, Shannon, uses one
of the mirrors (the Bricca Baby Magical Firefly) and the other Ben Bat mirror was just too cute to pass up! Fingers crossed that
it helps make car rides a little better for Mr. Cash!
Activities: We
ventured out on a few walks this week with Cash and the dogs. I ware Cash in my
ergobaby wrap and he falls asleep within the first 10 minutes. Cash really
seems to enjoy all the new sights and it’s so nice to be out in the fresh air! We also took Cash to the office twice this week. He was such a good boy and everyone just loved seeing him!
Health: Cash is
healthy and just teething away! A crazy amount of drool comes out of Cash’s
mouth but we have one Poncho Baby bandana bib that helps out a bit. I need to order more,
though, because he soaks it pretty quickly. I have been eyeing some bandanabibs from Sweedie Kids. I especially like their feather, anchor, Northern deer and arrow prints.
I am also going to order a Baltic amber necklace for Cash.
Baltic amber naturally helps with pain and inflammation. I also read that it stimulates
the thyroid glands, which in turn reduces drooling. Double bonus! Plus they are
so cute!! I think I’m going to order the
Chase necklace (a mix of Raw Baltic Amber with blue and green marbled jade
accents) from MacRae Naturals.
Best Moment: Cash
has a little naked tummy time every day and during several sessions this week he was rolling on his side! We
were so excited and knew that he would be rolling over completely before too long.
On April 1st Cash and I were in the bathroom
doing some naked tummy time on towels when he really started to try to roll. I
told Nick that I thought he might roll over for the first time so he grabbed
the video camera. Nick started filming Cash and within a couple minutes he
rolled over onto his tummy for the first time ever – and that’s no April
fools!! I was so happy that we captured the moment on camera! After we turned
the camera off he rolled onto his tummy two more times! We just love all the
baby milestones and can’t wait for the next one!
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