How Far Along? 29
Total Weight Gain:
12 pounds! Our little man went through a growth spurt this week!
Have You Started to
Show? I definitely feel quite a bit bigger this week. I also noticed that
people have been touching and rubbing my belly more frequently. I know some
women don’t like it when people touch their belly; I however am not one of
those women. I love it when people rub my belly! I rub it all the time and
personally think Baby Morelli likes it too! He is sometimes shy when people rub
my belly and other times he like to show off for them! It’s pretty cute!
Stretch Marks?
Still stretch mark free. My belly has been pretty itchy this week even though I
oil and/or lotion up twice daily. I have been trying to resist the urge to
scratch, but Nick did catch me scratching my belly (albeit gently) this week.
Belly Button?
Well I’m not happy to report this, but Nick finally has agreed that my belly
button it OUT. I know it will go back in, but it just looks so strange!
Maternity Clothes?
I took my Citizen maternity jeans to Nordstrom to have them hemmed and I should
have them back by Friday. They were about a foot too long, which is just crazy!
I’m 5’7” and normally I hem my jeans a little, but my maternity jeans had
enough extra material for a pair of baby jeans! I also tried on several of my
coats thinking that one of them may work for the winter; however, I was sadly
mistaken! I need to find a maternity coat very soon.
Symptoms: I’m
happy to report that my headaches are WAY better! I am so blessed to have a wonderful
god mom, who just so happens to be my chiropractor as well! My headaches
lessened with each adjustment and now they are almost gone completely! I truly
don’t know what I would do without Kathy! I always feel way better after her
adjustments. Kathy also gave me a new probiotic and I haven’t had heartburn
since I started taking it. With the headaches and heartburn gone I thought I
was in the clear, but last night my throat started getting a little soar and a
wicked Charlie horse also woke me up. You win some you lose some I guess. I
just keep telling myself that I will not get sick!
Movement? I can
tell that our little man is getting a little more cramped inside. He still
moves like crazy but now he is pushing out way more. I also think he is
starting to try to figure out how to get head down. I have felt his feet in my
right ribs several times. He is such a smart boy already! He also gets the
hiccups almost daily!
Sleep? It’s hard
to sleep well when you have to go to the bathroom 4 or 5 times a night but I do
my best. I had one night of pregnancy insomnia this week where I woke up at 3
AM and couldn’t go back to sleep. Finally at 4:30 I just got up for the day and paid bills and cleaned house. I also find myself tossing and turning frequently
throughout the night. It’s just hard to get comfortable these days.
Exercise? We have
walked a few times this week but I haven’t been real good about my exercise. We have been super busy this week. I’m hoping to get back on track this week.
Food Cravings: I
still love Chobani Greek yogurt and blueberry banana smoothies with peanut
butter, but with the weather changing I have been craving soups too. I made a batch of lentil soup this week that
just hit the spot!
Food Aversions:
Still can’t stand chicken!
Happy or Moody? I
have been a little up and down this week, mostly happy, but I was a little
irritable a few times this week.
Miss Anything?
Sleeping through the night.
Nursery Progress:
One of my best friends, Shannon, sent me the Petunia Picklebottom diaper bad
that I wanted! I decided on the backpack style so it won’t interfere with my
baby wearing. The navy blue is so pretty; I can’t wait to start using it! I’m
such a lucky lady to have such thoughtful friends and family.
Best Moment This
Week: My mom, Kendra and I went out to lunch this week at Huckleberry's and
discussed our plans for my baby shower. It was so great to have some girl time. My brother's girlfriend is an absolute sweetheart and my mom and I both adore her!
Looking Forward to:
Nick and I finished our last HypnoBirthing class last weekend so now I have us
schedules for several classes at Mother’s Haven. We have a baby wearing class Wednesday and an infant first aide
and CPR class this Saturday. My mom is also
going to take the first aide class with us.
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