This post is so late, but better late than never. Life has been super hectic lately! Be I'm hoping to get back on track for his 18 moth post.
Nursing/Eating: My little man still loves his meat! We introduced salmon and lamb this month and both were a huge hit! I made a lamb leg roast in the crock pot and Cash ate more than Nick and I (well almost). The salmon I cooked was from my dad’s fishing trip to Alaska so it was delicious! So far Cash is a really great eater. He’s not really that picky as long as you make sure to always give him some meat. He also likes blueberries now! I think his favorite veggie is asparagus. He can eat the top 2 inches off the top of 20 pieces of asparagus! I’m so glad that Cash love asparagus but I don’t love the smell that comes from his diaper after he eats it! Cash also love to drink water out of his Pura Kikistainless sippy and his Lifefactory sippy. He also LOVES and I do mean LOVES to share mama and nana’s Kombucha. We also gave him a slice of orange and he made the funniest faces while he ate it!
Cash started going longer stretches in between nursing during the day this month. I think the fact that he eats and drinks so much has contributed but he is also SO ACTIVE! He simply doesn’t have time to stop running around and playing to nurse!
Sleep: I had HIGH
hopes that I would be reporting a nice improvement in this category, but that’s
not the case. We tried the pacifier for a couple weeks at night and Cash
refused to take it. I even tried to slip it into his mouth when he was done
nursing, but I wasn’t able to fool him. In the end I was getting even less
sleep trying to make the stupid pacifier work so I gave up.
Cash sleeps for a stretch of three hours when we first go to
bed but then continues to want to fuss and/or nurse every hour or so after
that. I’m pretty much exhausted all of the time, but I know this too shall pass
(soon-ish hopefully).
Likes/Dislikes: Cash
is so incredibly active! From the time he wakes up until the time he goes to
sleep he is on the move! We don’t walk anywhere, we run everywhere instead.
Since Cash loves so many things I’ll give a quick run down of his top favorite activities:
· Reading books
· Reading books
Playing outside, digging in the dirt and going on walks (he seriously wants to go
outside the second he wakes up and can play outside for hours at a time)

EATING (yes it’s an activity here because he
likes to take a bite of his food, run around and then circle back for his next
Playing with rocks
Playing with rocks
· Playing with wine corks
Health: Cash and
I both came down with a cold this month. He had two pretty tough nights and had
a runny nose for several days after that. I ended up ordering a Nasaline JuniorNasal Rinsing System and I wish I had ordered this sooner! It is essentially a
nettie pot for kids and it works WONDERS! Nick was a little skeptical at first
so he tried it on himself and then gave me the go ahead for Cash. We took him
out on the back patio to use it and I was amazed by the amount of snot that we
got out! I noticed a significant difference in Cash’s breathing and runny nose
within 10 minutes! Every parent should have one of these! It sure beats the
heck out of the stupid nasal aspirators!
Cash is currently cutting four, YES FOUR, molars at the same
time right now. We use the Highland’s Teething tablets sparingly and they bring
him enough relief to help him go to sleep. Teething is so tough, but he is such
a little trooper!
We had our first really scary fall this month. We came home
from running errands and the door to our garage didn’t get closed all the way.
In a matter of seconds Cash went out and tried to “walk” down the steps in the
garage. We think he rolled down them mostly but he definitely hit his head on
the railing (we think it was the railing). I think this was our scariest moment
yet as parents. He only cried for a minute or two but Nick, my mom (who was
here when it happened) and I were so incredibly upset! We immediately gave him
some Arnica pellets, put Traumeal cream on his head and iced but I was still
worried so I called Kathy. Luckily Kathy (my god mom) called me right back and
we were able to bring him over for an adjustment. She checked him over really
well, checked his pupils for a concussion and adjusted his neck and back. We
gave him some more Arnica that night and the next morning. Overall, he didn’t
seem to be phased by it, but it was a really good lesson for Nick and I to be
super vigilant about closing all doors. We are also working on going down
stairs safely on all fours. Cash is great at going up stairs safely, but we
obviously messed up by not teaching him how to navigate down (a mistake we
won’t make with baby #2).
It’s so easy to blame yourself or blame each other when
something like this happens, but in reality it’s just a part of life. We were
just so lucky that Cash’s guardian angels were looking out for him and that he
wasn’t seriously hurt.
On a more positive note Cash is talking more and more
everyday! His favorite words are ouch, eew, wow and uh oh. We ask him where the
moon is and he looks in the sky, points to the moon and tries to say moon! It sounds
like “manaa” but it’s so close! He also loves to say “brrr”; whenever anyone
says, “it’s cold” Cash immediately says “brrrrr” it is the cutest thing ever!!