21 Weeks Old

posted on Thursday, May 7, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: I thought that I placed an order for a breastfeeding necklace over a week ago, but when I went into my Etsy account I couldn’t find the order. I must have been distracted (go figure) so now I have placed my order. Cash gets really distracted when we are nursing in public so I think this will really help! He loved the bright blue color of my Life Factory water bottle and the bright orange cover on my Mac so I ordered a sky blue and pumpkin orange combination necklace.

Cloth Diapering: Just this week Cash’s poops have completely changed. They went from being the typical watery breastfed poops to more “big boy” paste like poops. They also smell more! It’s fascinating to see how his poops change when my milk changes. Nick and I never thought we would have so many conversations about poop, but it’s a daily discussion now.

Sleep: Cash is such a great sleeper at night. As long as we get him in bed between 8 PM and 9 PM before his melt down he goes right to sleep while nursing and sleeps until 7 AM. He nurses frequently during the night but I don’t really notice too much because I just wake up enough to help him get my nipple in his mouth and then I fall right back asleep. He sleeps on his side the whole night cuddled up next to me. He looks so precious when he is sleeping

Likes/Dislikes: Cash is such a happy baby and likes so many difference things. He loves to be sung to, tickled, have raspberries blown on his tummy, nursing, walks, being worn in the wraps, “flying” like an airplane and he absolutely loves his star that lights up and plays music.  

Nick and I are having a really tough time with Cash’s screaming and crying in the car seat. It just breaks our hearts to see him so upset. I really hope that he likes the toddler car seat more.

Activities: We had a date night with Alejandro, Katee and little Davey at Clinkerdagger’s on Saturday afternoon. It was a beautiful day so we all say outside on their patio and enjoyed some happy hour food and drinks (just water for this mama though). It was so nice to spend an evening with another couple with a baby close to Cash’s age. We are so happy that Alejandro and Katee moved back to Spokane and are excited for Davey and Cash get to grow up together.

Health: Besides all the teething symptoms that we deal with on a daily basis, Cash is very healthy. I weighed him today by stepping on the scale with him and them without him and he weighed 13 pounds 4 ounces.

Best Moment: One night this week I was cooking dinner while Nick was holding Cash and we had an Akon/Nelly radio station playing on Pandora. “Yeah” by Usher came on and Nick started dancing with Cash in front of the mirror. He was laughing and squealing like crazy! I came in and started dancing and waving my hands in the air with Nick and Cash absolutely loved it! His laughter and adorable giggles just made our night!

20 Weeks Old

posted on Saturday, May 2, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: We have almost been nursing 5 months now and I just love our nursing bond so much! My goal is to breastfeed for 2 years. I really hope we accomplish this goal together. I absolutely love it when Cash is nursing and he looks up at me and smiles! It quite possibly one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced.

Cloth Diapering: I just got our first pair of Sustainablebabyish/Sloomb baseshorties from a super sweet Sloomb mama and I am IN LOVE with them! They are going to make the best shorts this summer! The best part is they fit over Cash’s big cloth diaper bum!

Cash had a small spot of diaper rash on his balls this week, but it cleared right up with my awesome diaper cream! I swear this stuff is magic!

Sleep: Cash likes to sleep between 10 and 12 hours each night. He sleeps on his side right next to me and sleeps so peacefully as long as he has access to my boob.

Cash still isn't taking naps in his crib, but he takes his best naps when we wear him around the house. He loves to be snuggled up against his mama and/or daddy!

Likes/Dislikes:  Cash loves to pretend that he is an airplane! We hold him on his tummy and walk around with him while moving him up and down like an airplane. He has a huge smile on his face the entire time!

Unfortunately, Cash still hates the car seat. I almost think it’s getting worse! He screams and cries within seconds or minutes of being strapped in his car seat. It breaks my heart to hear him crying and see the bug alligator tears rolling down his sweet little face. We have tried everything we can think of, but nothing seems to work for more than a few minutes.

Activities: Cash got to meet his future BFF, Davey, this week! Our friend’s Katee and Alejandro had their baby on Easter. He is so little and so darling! It makes me realize just how much Cash has grown in the past 20 weeks.

My mom also came over this week to hold Cash so I could get some things done around the house. My mom is such a life saver! I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. She is so good with Cash and he always has a big smile on his face for his nana!

Health: I weighed Cash at Mother’s Haven on Saturday and he weighed exactly 13 pounds! I’m not sure how long he is, but I know he has growth in length too because his clothes are starting to get a little bit smaller. We are now wearing our 3-6 month jammies from Old Navy!

Cash is still chomping on anything and everything in site. The second he wakes up in the morning he pops his thumb or fingers in his mouth to start chomping away. He’s not really interested in sucking his thumb for more than a few seconds but he loves to CHOMP! He especially likes to chew on his natural rubber bath toys.

Cash’s eyes are still a blue grey color but they have hints of hazel in the center. We are thinking that he may get mama’s eyes! Pretty much everything else is pure daddy! He does have my dimples and frown though!

Best Moment: We loved meeting little Davey this week! Cash loved looking at him and was really interested when Davey was nursing. It was so cute to see his curiosity!