15 Weeks Old

posted on Thursday, March 26, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: Mr. Cash Man loves to nurse! He is definitely getting more distracted while we nurse in public because he just wants to look around and take in his new surroundings. I think I need to get a nursing/teething necklace very soon. I saw some awesome breastfeeding necklaces on etsy that I think I will order. I just have to decide on the color. Cash really likes bright colors so I’m thinking apple green, sky blue, orange or red.

Cloth Diapering: Cash has pretty much outgrown his GMD clotheeze workhorse newborn diapers. We use our Sloomb OBF diapers and one Happy Little Cloud (HLC) diaper and only use the GMD diapers as a last resort. We need to order more diapers but are trying to decide if we want to use OBF all the time or have a few HLCs in rotation. Cash usually has 2 huge poops per day but sometimes he can have up to 4 huge poops per day.

I shaved all of our wool covers this week. Cash sat on my lap and we were singing and chatting while we were shaving when all of a sudden Cash just passed out! It was hilarious!

Cash had two spots of diapers rash that appeared this week. One spot was on his balls and the other was on his pee pee. It looked so painful but he didn’t seem to notice. We used my homemade diaper rash cream and it was gone in a day and a half.

I also bought some new Planet detergent to try out. So far I think I may like it more than the Eco Sprout, but I’m still deciding.

Sleep: The Morelli’s are sleeping great! Cash still like to go to bed around 8 PM, but he did stay up until 9 PM a couple nights this week.

Likes/Dislikes: Cash has started giggling and smiling when he sees his reflection in the mirror! My mom and Nick both hold Cash in front of the big mirror in our living room and go back and forth with him while making all sorts of funny noises and Cash eats it up! He giggles and coos every time he gets close to the mirror; it is the cutest thing ever!

We have decided that Cash is quite a morning person! He loves his morning time with his daddy. From the time he first opens his eyes in the morning to the time he takes his morning nap he is smiling and chatting us up!

Cash still doesn’t care for the car seat but we did have one day this week where he didn’t scream the entire ride so it may be getting a little better.

We also woke Cash up a few times a night this week to change his diaper when he had the diaper rash and he was NOT happy! He likes his sleep too much to bother being woken up for a diaper change. Luckily he went right back to sleep with a little bit of mama’s milk.

Activities: We took Cash to my aunt Colleen and uncle Paul’s house so he could visit with his great grandma Weasie. My grandma is 90 and her memory isn’t the best but she sure enjoyed seeing her great grandson! All the grandparents came over to visit their darling grandson this week too!

Health: Our Cash man is a teething machine! He is constantly chewing on his fists and fingers and drooling like a Saint Bernard! He will suck his thumb for a couple seconds but then changes to chew on his pointer and middle finger or fist. He also likes to chew on other people’s fingers, arms and shoulders. I was holding Cash one morning and he was chewing and sucking on my arm and when I gave him to Nick I noticed that he left a hickey on m arm! His suction packs a punch!

Thanks to the nursing pillow from my friend, Monika, Cash now does a minimum of 20 minutes of tummy time per day. He stays on him tummy for longer stretches of 10-15 minutes at a time and is perfectly content! It is so amazing to see how his strength has increased in the past week. He can push up on his arms a little bit and can really arch his back to hold his neck and head up really high!

Best Moment: Cash and Nick were on the ground in the kitchen on some towels for tummy time while I was making the doggie’s dinner when he started to crawl backwards a little! Of course I didn’t see it the first time (I swear the second I’m not looking at him he does something amazing for the first time) but Nick started shouting at me to come look! Lucking he did it a couple more times so I was able to see it too! Nick and I are just amazed at how quickly Cash is growing and changing! We know he will be crawling before we know it!

14 Weeks Old

posted on Saturday, March 21, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: Nursing is still going great! I am so glad that my milk supply has finally calmed down and evened out!

Cloth Diapering: We absolutely love our new Sloomb OBF diapers! I wish we had found them sooner! The absorbency is truly amazing, plus the colors are so darling! Nick and I are always amazed at how heavy the diaper is when we change Cash, yet he doesn’t feel that wet!

I caught Nick singing "All About that Base" to Cash during a diaper change this week. It was hilarious! He went from singing to making "ca caw" bird calling noises. Cash was giggling and talking to Nick the whole time. Such a precious daddy son moment!

Sleep: Our little Cash man is sleeping so well at night! He likes to go to bed between 7:30 PM and 8:30 PM and then he likes to get up for the day around 7:30 AM. We still nurse every couple hours at night but I hardly have to wake up for it so I don’t mind one bit! Naps are a little different; Cash only will sleep on us. He can fall asleep in our arms and sleep for 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour and the second we lay him down in the basket he wakes up! Nick and I have started wearing him around the house for his naps. When we wear him he will sleep for 2 or 3 plus hours at a time. Thank goodness for our ergo baby carrier and ergo baby wrap!

Likes/Dislikes: Cash really likes music! This week Nick played his guitar for him and Cash loved it! He also really likes the Meagan Trainor song “All About that Base” so Nick and I sing that to him and play it on our phones quit frequently.

Our 4 Moms Rackaroo swing is also getting some more action. One morning this week I put Cash in his swing in front of the glass shower door while I showered and he was perfectly happy the whole time! I was even able to shave my legs! I gave him a flat prefold diaper to suck on when I first put him in his swing and he was good to go. He was content in his swing almost the entire time that I was getting ready too!

Nick’s parents bought Cash an activity gym and he doesn’t really care about the hanging toys too much but he absolutely loves the sun that lights up and plays music! I take it with us to distract him with while he is in the car seat and this works for a little while.

No change on the dislikes, unfortunately. Cash still screams and cries in his car seat. I would like to say that it’s getting better but that would simply be a lie.

Activities: We had a really busy week with a court date and finishing up taxes so we didn’t have a lot of free time but we did go over to Nick’s parent’s house for a BBQ. Cash loved the new surroundings and new lights! He is drawn to lights like a moth to a flame! It is so funny! Cash got to enjoy some much needed GG and Papa time!

We also met my new friend, Alisa, in CDA for coffee at the Grumpy Monkey. Cash really enjoyed watching Molly play at the little kiddie table. Alisa scored a pair of stellar basewoolies for me so I picked those up as well and she let us borrow a pair of weathervane BWs also. Such a sweet mama with such a sweet little girl!

Health: Our sweet baby boy is officially teething from what I have read online. While he hasn’t cut an actual tooth yet he is exhibiting several of the teething symptoms. Drool, we have so much drool! Cash soaks his shirts, our shirts, our arms, our shoulders, you name it, Cash soaks it. He also likes to chew on anything he can get in his mouth. He really likes to chomp down on our fingers and his own fists.

Cash is also really getting into sucking on his fists and fingers. He gets his thumb in his mouth but then wants to add a fist to the mix and gets frustrated when it all doesn’t fit in his tiny mouth. He also likes to suck on both fists at once!

We weighed Cash on Wednesday and he weighed 11 pounds 12 ounces! Almost double his birth weight!

Best Moment: Cash and I had a really nice visit with my friend, Monika, this week. Cash just loved watching Monika’s son, Jack. He also really enjoyed watching Monika’s dogs and cat. Jack was so entertaining and gentle with Cash it was just so fun to watch Cash stare at Jack and follow his movements around the room. He liked it so much that he didn’t want to take a nap and didn’t go to sleep until Jack went down for his nap.

Monika also gave us a small nursing pillow to help with tummy time and it has made all the difference in the world!

3 Months Old

posted on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 by Kyra

Nursing: Our little man just loves to nurse! I think he is going through another growth spurt right now because he has wanted to nurse constantly the past day and a half. Cash may also be teething early – which I have suspected for quite some time now. We were in bed nursing a couple nights ago and I was almost asleep when Cash bit down on my nipple so HARD! I couldn’t believe how badly it hurt! My nipple was soar until the next night! It had just started to feel better when he bit me 3, yes 3, more times! I always pull him off when he does this and tell him no, but he doesn’t really seem to care. The last time he bit me I actually yelled at him (not one of my finest moments, but it HURT!) and he looked up at me and stuck his bottom lip out! Granted he sticks his bottom lip out in a little pout all the time, but I still felt terrible.

Cloth Diapering: We are in L-O-V-E with our Sustainablebabyish/Sloomb OBF diapers! They are absolutely amazing! Cash’s new underwoolies (UWs) arrived yesterday and they are so adorable! I ended up buying scout (olive green), kestrel (tan) and peacoat (navy blue). My new mommy friend, Alisa Lewis, also scored a pair of steller basewoolies (BWs) for Cash in 0-6 and I scored on a pair of jade BWs in 6-18! I can’t wait for them to arrive!

Alisa met me at Mother’s Haven this week and let Cash try on all of her amazing wool stash! It was so cute to see all the different types of woolies on my little man! It was also a great reference for sizing! She even brought the different types of diapers that Sustainablebabyish/Sloom carries so I could compare them with one another. Another Sloomb mama, Lisa, also joined us. Alisa and Lisa both have darling little kiddos who It’s such a blessing to have some super sweet mommy friends around!

Cash now only poops between 1-3 times a day, but he makes them count! Luckily he mostly gets his poops out in the morning so I don’t have to worry about changing his huge poops at night.

Sleep: Cash sleeps really well at night still, with the exception of one night this week. When he’s going through a growth spurt he wants to nurse ever 1 ½ -2 hours at night! Most nights aren’t like that anymore though so I’m ok with it happening now and then.

Likes/Dislikes: Nick and I started blowing raspberries on Cash’s tummy and neck recently and he loves it! We always do this during diaper changes and he gets really still and then smiles! He is just so darn cute!

We have been experiencing some beautiful spring weather already so Nick, Cash, the doggies and I have been taking full advantage of it by going on daily walks. We simply put Cash in a carrier, hook the dogs up and then take off. We walk our 2-mile look through the neighborhood and Cash takes in as much as he can until he crashes.

We have also noticed that Cash likes to “sit up” more and more everyday. Unless he is sleeping on our chest he likes to face out so he can look around and be part of the action.

Cash still doesn’t like the car seat but there really isn’t much I can do about it. He also isn’t a huge fan of the nasal aspirator but mama has to get those boogies out one way or another!

Activities: The Morelli home had so many visitors this week and Cash just had a blast. Our old neighbors, Rob and Marla Ticknor, dropped by with their 2 girls, Grace and Olivia, on Sunday to meet Mr. Cash; the girls took turns holding Cash and were so sweet with him!

My brother and his fiancĂ©e also stopped by on Sunday and Cash saved some big cheesy grins for both of them! He also had a very long “conversation” with his uncle.

Cash also got to see all of his grandparents this week. What can I say; no one can stay away from our beautiful baby boy for too long!

Health: Like I mentioned above, I think Cash will teeth early. Whenever he is awake he is always chewing on something! His drooling is also increasing. Good thing I have a bandanna bib on the way!

Best Moment: The best moments with Cash this week happened when we had all of our visitors. I just love watching him interact with his family!